Key Features | Pactive

Connect with people within your social group to create a community completing PACTS – challenges and tasks aimed at helping to lead a healthier, more socially active lifestyle. Compete, compare and celebrate success whilst having fun and being more active.

Activity Tracking

PACTIVE connects to your activity tracker in your smart phone to record and store your movements, all in one place, to help you monitor your progress towards your activity goals.


Use PACTS to invite friends, family, and other contacts, to join you in challenges and activities. Create and join as many duels or group tasks as you can manage.

Get Active

PACTS are designed by you; you decide who joins and you decide what’s involved – cycling, swimming, walking or even dancing – aerobic or even just a day out exploring – anything that involves being more active or improves your wellbeing.

Eat Well Too

PACTS can be used to encourage healthy eating too! Create PACTS that involve maintaining a healthy diet or improving hydration levels. Upload images to share progress and inspire others.

Make Your Own Pace

All PACTS can be weighted to suit yours and your invited participants own fitness levels. PACTIVE is inclusive and we want everyone to be able to participate.

Get Social

Invite friends, colleagues and family to join your PACTS to encourage and share experiences. Our chat functions allow you to chart achievements and send words of encouragement to other participants.

Rewards & Forfeits

Celebrate success and have fun with forfeits – how much or how harsh is up to you when you create the PACT!

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